? Ask Me Anything series covers all aspect of our students at SNA South Saigon Campus.
As you are no doubt aware, the People’s Party of HCMC have deemed it safe for ALL students in grades 1-6 to return to campus. We have been, and will continue to ‘deep-clean’ the classrooms and facilities to make it safe for students and staff.
All of our grade 7-12 students have recently returned and, due to maintaining strict 5K measures, have been safe and secure and very happy to be back on campus. We look forward to seeing your children return to school to engage with their friends and teachers on Monday, 14/02/2022.
? Let’s hear Vicky – one of our PYP students – share her opinion about going back to school!
SNA 오픈 데이: 보이지 않는 아이디어 – 젊은 창작자의 마음 속으로 들어가 보세요 👀 젊은 예술가나 영화제작자의 마음 속에 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 궁금한 …