028 730 197 99 - 0964 466 014


This Friday the 11th February, in preparation for a full return on Monday 14th February, SNA will organize a mini-orientation day for the following students. Please note the following arrangements;
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• From 08:00-10:00, students and parents will go to the grade 1 homeroom class and begin an orientation and school tour. We will meet you at the school gate, escort you to the gymnasium, and then go to the grade 1 classroom.
• After leaving, online classes will recommence at 12:15 for the rest of Friday afternoon.
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• Normal classes for ALL from 08:15-08:45.Classes suspended for all between 08:45-14:30.
• From 10:00-12:00, NEW students and parents will go to the homeroom classes and begin an orientation and school tour. We will meet you at the school gate, escort you to the gymnasium, and then go to your homeroom classroom.
• After leaving, online classes will recommence at 14:30-15:00 for the final block of Friday afternoon, for ALL students.
? We trust this information is clear, but please do feel free to contact the school should you require further clarification. We look forward to seeing you on Friday!

??Follow SNA at:
• Website: https://localhost/html/
• Fanpages: https://www.facebook.com/snavietnam
• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/snaibnamsaigon/
• Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/SchoolsNorthAmerica

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