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Trường Quốc tế Bắc Mỹ (SNA)


After the PYP Exhibition held on Wednesday 27 April, the School Leadership Team of SNA received a heartfelt letter from Ms. Nguyen Van Anh – parent of student Do Anh Thu (class 5A1) about the event as follows:

? “Dear The Leadership Team and Teachers,

My name is Nguyen Van Anh, I am the parent of student Do Anh Thu (Tracy) of class 5A1. Today we were invited to participate in the exhibition of grade 5 students, and we would like to share some thoughts:

We were really surprised and touched to see that our children had become more confident, and wiser after long progress of researching, preparing, planning.. very hard and seriously under the guidance of teachers for 9 long weeks, and had successfully completed the projects that each group was in charge of.

The students had the opportunity to put their whole hearts into this event, not only at school but also at home. Even on holidays, all they thought was about the project that their team was working on. Through this project, they have learned, practiced, and applied a lot of necessary skills in life such as skills to work independently, work in a team, public speaking, research and information analysis, planning, time management, team management, designing skills, etc., But above all, they have and learned a lot about love, gratitude, care, sharing, help from their peers, their teachers, external organizations through the topics that they chose.

? Congratulations on a successful PYP Exhibition!

With the great things mentioned above, we would like to write this letter to express our gratitude to all the teachers and the entire school community for always guiding and accompanying our children in their process of growing into adulthood”

? We are grateful to our wonderful parents for strongly supporting the efforts of the entire SNA community. To read more parent testimonials, please visit: https://localhost/html/snas-parent/


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