028 730 197 99 - 0964 466 014


On May 31st and June 2nd, our Grades 10 and 11 students will be attending a talk from Dr. Eljona Cumashi, Obstetrician-Gynecologist Specialist from Family Medical Practice Vietnam.
The purpose of this talk is to guide and educate our students about the importance of Reproductive Health. As teenagers transition from adolescents to early adulthood, it is important that we are able to guide them on how to make responsible choices and become equipped with basic and practical knowledge from experts so that they do not explore on their own. This talk aims to answer questions from our students concerning their reproductive health. In these sessions the students will learn the following:
? Students will learn to identify and explain factors that can affect an individual’s decisions about sexual activity (e.g.personal limits, personal readiness, peer pressure, desire, curiosity, awareness of health risks, concern about the risk of pregnancy, sexual orientation) and identify sources of support regarding sexual health.
? Students will learn aspects of sexual health and safety, including contraception and Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) prevention, the concept of consent, matters they need to consider, and skills they need to use in order to make safe and healthy decisions about sexual activity (e.g. self-knowledge, abstinence, delaying first intercourse, establishing and respecting boundaries, showing respect)
This information will help to keep your child safe, healthy, happy, and informed. At school, we teach students research-based information and facts. We encourage you to talk to your children at home about what they are learning at school and share your values and beliefs with them.

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• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sna_ib_namsaigon/
• Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/SchoolsNorthAmerica

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