On Thursday (5 May), our Grade 4 learners went to Tinker Play - an amusement and creative complex for young children. The learning objective of this field trip was for students to understand their responsibility when using resources.
In the present day, the focus of education has shifted from a teacher-centric approach to a more student-centric approach with each student being in charge of their learning process.
This year, the Diploma Programme exams take place from the 29th of April to the 20th of May. For our beloved students, we encourage you all to do your best and take good care of yourselves during this challenging time. We believe in you and know that if you believe in yourself, anything is possible.
In an increasingly technological world, computer literacy is vital. Digital project work can help connect learners to the books they read, better evaluate their comprehension, and build essential literacy skills like vocabulary, research, and fluency.
After the PYP Exhibition held on Wednesday 27 April, the School Leadership Team of SNA received a heartfelt letter from Ms. Nguyen Van Anh - parent of student Do Anh Thu (class 5A1) about the event as follows
Wednesday 27 April was a historical day in which we hosted our first ever *PYP exhibition! They confidently presented to their peers and parents/families the recent work they have been doing on their Units of Inquiry and successfully unpacked how this work was connected to our various partner organizations.
Apart from weekly field trips, SNA EAGLE CAMP also offers a vibrant academic program with 6 exclusive learning topics, focused on building skills in multiple contexts:
SNA proudly presents our annual PYP Exhibition - A culmination of knowledge, skills, and conceptual understanding in the Primary Years Programme put together by the learners of Grade 5.
This week, MYP students got to participate in planting trees in the school’s newly renovated backyard. Tree planting is a great way to increase student interest in their local environment and achieve academic goals. Students become aware that they can play a role in protecting the environment through personal involvement. Ultimately, it is hoped that the experience will help them make intelligent decisions about the conservation and use of our valuable natural resources.
In case you didn't notice, our new roof cover was installed last week. This is a part of our safeguarding measures at SNA, where the entire community always strive to provide the best learning environment for our students.
Here's what Mrs. Hoang Thi Ngoc Phuong, esteemed parent of Vu Nhu Quynh (Grade 4), said about her daughter's learning experience at SNA: "I find the facilities at SNA are excellent. The teachers are dedicated, sociable, and enthusiastically support the children in their learning. Students can exchange and interact with teachers in a friendly and fun environment.”
북미국제학교(SNA)는 일반적인 국제학교일뿐만 아니라, 1학년부터 12학년까지 전체 교육과정을 제공하는 학교입니다. SNA는 높은 수준의 국제 교육 및 교과과정을 제공하며, 특히 IB프로그램이 각광받고 있습니다. 자녀분이 SNA에 재학하여 얻 수 있는 이점 몇 가지를 살펴보겠습니다
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