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Meet Our Teachers at SNA

At SNA, teachers are recruited from all corners of the globe, with a diversity of cultures and nationalities. We also believe that in order to equip students with important skills, good life values ​​and a solid foundation of knowledge, teachers play a leading and pivotal role in the learning process.
✏️ Meet one of our school leadership members – Mr Patric Elder, MYP Coordinator at SNA.
Patric brings more than 20 years’ teaching and leadership experience in international schools in Canada, Sweden, Qatar, China, the United Arab Emirates, and now Vietnam to his role as MYP Coordinator at SNA.
? As a lifelong learner and IB educator, Patric has had the privilege of working in all four programmes – the Primary Years Programme, Middle Years Programme, Diploma Programme, and Career-related Programme. He is a member of the IB Education Network (IBEN) where he works as to authorize new IB schools and acts as a consultant to guide schools through the process.
? Patric’s background in Design has led to his work designing and project-managing the construction or renovation of Arts and Design spaces in international schools worldwide. When he’s not designing workspaces, Patric is busy renovating an island house on the Baltic Sea in his home country of Sweden. Motorcycles and golf are part of his everyday life in Vietnam.
If you wish to learn more about our program and teachers, please contact SNA Admission team via hotline: 0964 466 014 or message us at http://m.me/snavietnam

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