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Meet Our Teachers at SNA

At SNA, teachers are recruited from all corners of the globe, with a diversity of cultures and nationalities. We also believe that in order to equip students with important skills, good life values ​​and a solid foundation of knowledge, teachers play a leading and pivotal role in the learning process.
✏️ Meet one of our teachers – Ms Aundrea Farey, Head of Student Support Services at SNA.
Aundrea brings more than 10 years of special education experience, including grades K-12, in public and private schools, both domestic and international schools.
? Her philosophy of education is that all students should be committed to learning content that enables them to be lifelong learners and to contribute positively to the society in which they live. It is imperative that all students, regardless of who they are, where they come from, or what challenges they face, are given the best opportunity to learn.
? As the Head of Student Support Services at SNA, it is very important to ensure that students have the appropriate support in place. Providing support for students who have special learning needs, language needs, social/emotional needs, different learning styles, or extending their learning experience is an aim of the Student Support Services program.
? If you wish to learn more about our program and teachers, please contact SNA Admission team via hotline: 0964 466 014 or message us at http://m.me/snavietnam

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